
Postdoc or engineer position now open within the ExaViz project

We are seeking a highly motivated candidate to design and implement a next generation visualization platform for analysis of large-scale molecular simulations. In particular, we target two grand challenge applications: modeling a complete influenza virus and analyzing extensive simulations of the GLIC receptor that we recently published in Nature and PNAS, two leading journals. Project foundations were previously established, providing a well defined framework to get started (FvNano). Using visual analytics approaches and high performance interactive graphics, you will implement readily usable state-of-art tools scaling up to the next generation of simulations. This position is a unique training opportunity in a multi-disciplinary environment in collaboration with four leading teams in France and two international partners in the U.K. and in Germany.

PDF-page of this job offer and general background:

Predoctoral opening in the Molecular and Cellular Modeling group at Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies

Predoctoral scholarship in the Molecular and Cellular Modeling group at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) in Heidelberg, Germany with Prof. Wade.
We are seeking a highly motivated scientist to join the Molecular and Cellular Modeling group at HITS for their doctoral studies. The research project will involve computational modelling and simulation of protein interactions.

News blog opens! Let's start with a job announcement!

Hi, I decided to add a blog-like news section to the site and will try to update frequently. Let's start with something useful, a job announcement. My colleague Fabio Sterpone has the following position to fillRead more...