avr. 2012

New open access book chapter: Advances in Human-Protein Interaction - Interactive And Immersive Molecular Simulations

Molecular simulations allow researchers to obtain complementary data with respect to experimental studies and to overcome some of their limitations. Current experimental techniques do not allow to observe the full dynamics of a protein at atomic detail. In return, experiments provide the structures, i.e. the spatial atomic positions, for numerous biomolecular systems, which are often used as starting point for simulation studies. In order to predict, to explain and to understand experimental results, researchers have developed a variety of biomolecular representations and algorithms. […]

A. Tek, B. Laurent, M. Piuzzi, Z. Lu, M. Baaden, O. Delalande, M. Chavent, N. Férey, C. Martin, L. Piccinali, B. Katz, P. Bourdot, Ludovic Autin ; Advances in Human-Protein Interaction - Interactive And Immersive Molecular Simulations ; W. Cai and H. Hong ; Intech, CroatiaRead more...

FvNano ends, ExaViz begins..

The FvNano project officially ended on 31 december 2011. We are currently updating the webpages because the project still produces output in the form of publications, posters, websites and code that can be downloaded and tested. Have a look at the FvNano webpage for the latest details.
FVNano-related research will continue in the ExaViz project about exa-scalable visual analysis for life & materials sciences. ExaViz already has its own website with a job section and several offers. An overall description of the project and the teams involved is also provided.