UnityMol  0.9.6-875
UnityMol viewer / In developement
WiP - UnityMol Database for lit spheres textures and more


This document is very much work in progress and not of any current use other than for its author. It started as a database specific for lit spheres textures, but evolved to a more general database that UnityMol can interact with.

Goals and objectives

Implement a database to handle the large number of customizable settings in UnityMol such as color palettes and collected sphere textures for lit sphere artistic lighting of scenes.

The settings we want to be able to retrieve from within UnityMol are:

  • color palettes
  • hballs lit spheres textures
  • hballs lit spheres texture sets
  • surface textures
  • skyboxes

This is a generalization of an initial database version only for lit sphere textures. These settings are to be stored and managed within the database, for instance to rank them, sort according to criteria (e.g. hue for textures),..

Among the functionalities we want to be able to..

  • rank the textures and select by several filters (eg ranking + image size + ??)
  • generate the relevant data (scripts, raw asset resources etc) for UnityMol automatically



umol: auto-generate snapshots for database

add table for color palettes

umol: retrieve color palettes from database

add table for surface textures

umol: retrieve surface textures from database

add table for skybox textures

umol: retrieve skybox textures from database

add table for hballs screenshot

add table for surface screenshot

add table for texture sets

umol: retrieve texture set from database

add table for comparisons and image similarity

add relationship between tables

generate custom database views with xataface

add thumbnails to database

cut out actual sphere for hue and gray determination so background doesn't factor in

move database to a publicly accessible server at the lab (eg ProxMox VM)

Emulate VMD, pymol, chimera, yasara looks and feel e.g, through color palettes and texture sets

Resources used

Key resources

Sphere repositories

Skybox repositories

Good search keywords (e.g. for Google image search) are: cylindrical projection / equirectangular panorama / skybox / cubemap

Other resources

Texture sets

To experiment

This is a collection of sphere texture ideas:

  • plankton
  • shaded sphere
  • charcoal !
  • pastel
  • aquarelle
  • soap bubbles
  • goutte / drop
  • cross-hatch
  • hatching
  • 101 dalmatiens
  • ink
  • ballon gonflable
  • gems
  • comic
  • Schakal 97 sphere

(Automatic) generation of lit sphere textures with povray

Generated a Makefile from examples on the net to render a color set, currently based on the pastel colors in UnityMol, with povray. Example usage:

1 make 4.png
2 make umol-inst

When textures/pigments/materials have many reflections, the scene ground, background and lights become very important.

define relevant colors for palette, eg based on Pastel, Watercolor, etc. ; also relevant for Pixelmator method2
find good sphere textures/pigments
further tune Povray scene, in particular background, ground planes and lights

Manual generation of a texture set from an initial texture

Using Pixelmator method1

  1. Image > Remplacer la couleur
  2. Couleur > select dominant color from image with color picker
  3. Etendue > extend the color selection to a maximum (200)
  4. turn colored wheel until appropriate color is obtained
  5. evtl. adjust Saturation and Luminosite

Using Pixelmator method2

  1. Open texture
  2. Evtl. treat the original image, such as desaturation of remaining color
  3. Create new layer: Calque > Nouveau Calque
  4. Fill layer with the desired color
  5. Choose mixing option, e.g. Obscurcir, Lummiere tamisee, Couleur, ..
  6. Save snapshot

Data preparation

  • added textures currently within UnityMol
  • find duplicate filenames (find_dupnmes.sh)
  • check we have only image files left (find_non_image.sh)
  • generate uniform filenames
    • remove spaces within filenames (replace_spaces.sh)
    • remove quotes within filenames
    • remove special characters (parenthesis) within filenames (replace_special.sh)
  • detect non-square textures and manually adjust them to be of equal dimensions
  • run UnityMol in batch mode and generate a snapshot for a hyperballs molecule textured with the given sphere and for a surface textured with it
  • sort/store according to filenames/directory names
  • tool(s) to modify/update existing entries through scripts (eg update ranking based on directory)

Running a test PHP/MySQL environment

PHP/MySQL implementation

Check it out in the local environment from http://localhost:8888/lit-spheres-db/

I added a DB feature to UnityMol so that textures can be fetched by their ID number from this database through the apercu.php PHP page, from within the UnityMol application.

Gitlab git repository

Fields to include in the tables

  • is_gray field!
  • unique identifier/number
  • user ranking (1 to 5 stars)
  • image size
  • lit sphere snapshot
  • keywords (material, technique, ..)
  • dominant color as in google image search
  • Read support for EXIF (digital camera info) annotations
  • Read support for IPTC annotations
  • Read ICC color profiles?
  • Color Histogram Viewable?
  • Ability to set Highlight /Shadow Thresholds?
  • toggles: hballs-proof, grayscale-proof, surface-proof, texture-series, in-unitymol

Make a separate table for small molecule snapshots

Make a separate table for surface snapshots

Make a separate scheme for inventorizing sphere series

Implementation details

Images table

Current fields:

Field Type Description
img_id int unique identifier, primary key
img_nom varchar 50 (file)name of the image
img_dir varchar 100 directory where image resides
img_taille int file size
img_type varchar 25 what type of image? Eg JPG, PNG, ..
img_desc varchar 100 short description of the image
img_blob medium blob the actual image data
img_pixels_x int image width in pixels
img_pixels_y int image height in pixels
img_rating enum 1-5 One to five star rating of the image
img_avg_hue int Average hue of the image for sorting according to color
img_avg_gray float Average gray value (saturation) to filter grayscale images, which should have a value very close or equal to zero

Fields to add:

Field Type Description
umol_legacy bool present in UnityMol?
img_n_votes int number of votes received for this image
img_avg_vote float continuously updated average vote for this image
thumb_64 blob small thumbnail picture for this image
thumb_256 blob bigger thumbnail

Generate SQL tables

CREATE TABLE `images` (
`img_nom` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
`img_dir` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`img_taille` VARCHAR( 25 ) NOT NULL ,
`img_type` VARCHAR( 25 ) NOT NULL ,
`img_desc` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( `img_id` )
CREATE TABLE `hball_snaps` (
`litsph_ref` INT NOT NULL ,
`img_nom` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
`img_dir` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`img_desc` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`img_blob` BLOB NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( `img_id` )
CREATE TABLE `surf_snaps` (
`litsph_ref` INT NOT NULL ,
`img_nom` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
`img_dir` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`img_desc` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`img_blob` BLOB NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( `img_id` )

Useful SQL snippets

$db = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","DbName"); //keep your db name
$sql = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = $id";

Show DDL statement:

1 show create table litspheres.images;

Database features

  • import textures through a command-line php script ()
  • generate input files (eg txt) for UnityMol
  • be able to identify duplicates (not only exact but also approximate ones)
  • detect toon-style textures


  • generata an html page with a 4 column and infinte row view of
    1. gen image on the texture
    1. texture image
    1. hballs with texture screenshot
    1. surface with texture screenshot
  • be able to filter the above webpage, eg on image pixel size, ranking, hue etc.


  • issues with ImageMagick.. install recent version (6.9+)
  • get hue -> shell/php script cascade
  • get grayscale `convert '$image_path' -colorspace HSL -channel g -separate +channel -format '%[fx:mean]' info:`


$imagick = new Imagick($image_path);
$saturation_channel = $imagick->getImageChannelMean(imagick::CHANNEL_GREEN);
$saturation_level = $saturation_channel['mean']/65535;