
UnityMol is a molecular viewer and prototyping platform, coded in C# with the Unity3D game engine.

It is developed by Marc Baaden's team at the LBT laboratory at the IBPC institute of CNRS in Paris and has been completely redesigned recently to provide a clean code base and new features.

The VR version of UnityMol is based on the VRTK framework to support HTC Vive and Oculus headsets, Windows Mixed Reality should be supported but is not tested yet.

UnityMol can currently read PDB, mmCIF, GRO, Mol2, XYZ and SDF files, OpenDX potential maps, XTC trajectory files.

UnityMol includes HyperBalls designed to visualize molecular structures using GPU graphics card capabilities based on shaders (GLSL or Cg).

The current version release 1.0.25 beta is the first public release of the new version with a SMCRA (Structure/Model/Chain/Residue/Atom) data structure supporting to load several molecules, with a python console, a selection language adapted from MDAnalysis, various molecular representations, a modern UI,

The project is still actively developed and maintained, new releases should be coming soon.

User friendliness and available features in UnityMol will be further extended.

Quick Start

QuickStart guide

Source code

Concerning source code availability, the everyday development of UnityMol does not take place on a public repository but in our lab's internal gitlab environment. We do release source code with every major UnityMol version, typically when the related paper gets accepted. If you need source code access in between these releases, please contact us to find an appropriate solution.


The documentation is still a work in progress but you can access a wiki here and a documentation of the code generated by doxygen here.


We are currently defining a licence. UnityMol will still be open-source with a free-to-use licence for academics and a paid licence for companies.